Build a bamboo baldashon bed dressed in a net.

Build a bamboo baldashon bed dressed in a net.

A bamboo baldagium bed

baldakine net assembly

To make beautiful dreams, create a fairy decoration in your room by drawing on this achievement. Bambooes, stabilized by plaster in large zinc buckets, are arranged on the four corners of the summier to accommodate a baldagin structure and a net.

Not only will it bring freshness to your room and protect you from possible mosquitoes, but this setting will also create a partitioned effect conducive to rest, bringing a holiday air to your room.

Here we have opted to stay in the white and natural tones in order to preserve the clarity and sweetness of the room. Depending on the effect you want, you can opt for more sustained tones and heavy or patterned textiles, giving a more eastern tendency to the piece. If you live on a small surface,the baldagin bedis also a good way to partition the corner bedroom, creating a closed place in the room.



- 4 zinc buckets with a capacity of approximately 10l.

- White acrylic paint

- Spalter

- 35 kg of universal coating

- White plaster

- Cardboard drop

- Cutter

- Vrilla or drill

- Long live

- Cordelette

- Masking adhesive

- 6 bamboo ø 5 to 6 cm x length : 2.50 m

- 2 bamboo ø 5 to 6 cm x length : 2 m.


Prepare bamboo


VISSER 8 long screws at the base of each 2.50 m bamboo, with them in star on 2 rows and leaving them to exceed 3 to 4 cm (A). DECOUPER in 4 disc cardboard drops of the same diameter as buckets. Make two cross-sticks in the middle, remove a piece on the edge (B). These boxes will allow you to keep bambooes straight when you sink the sticker.

For each bucket: SHALL the cardboard disc on the top of the bamboo. Slide it to the screws. Place the whole on the bucket and push the bamboo so that the end touches the bottom, the cardboard will keep the bamboo straight. Pose some bits of adhesive.

Fill Seals

Fill Seals

PARTAGER the coating in 4 equal parts. MELANGER each of it in water (2 volumes of powder for 1 volume of water) as the use is made as the mortar quickly takes.

COLLE the mixture in each bucket by opening the cardboard disc by checking that the bamboo is straight. Let dry 24 hours. Remove the boxes. PREPARATE a mixture of thin plaster, sink it on the dry mortar to obtain a smooth, white surface.


Paint bambooes


PERID the top third of the buckets and about 1 m bamboo in white.

Mount the structure of the baldagin

MONTER the bamboo structure using the so-called "beaming" technique for ligatures (1 and 2 + 4).




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